October 31st 2019
1. Trunk-or-Treat set up
2. Trunk-or-Treat Starts at 5:30pm and runs till all the candy is gone.
3. Contest Judging begins at 5:30pm.
4. Trunk-or-Treat Winners announced at 5:55pm
5. Best Costume Winners announced at 5:55pm.
6. Mayville Village Trick-or-Treat begins at 6:00 pm with the Whistle
7. Trick-or-Treat Ends with Whistle
8. Candy Check and Hot Dogs at Bodeis Park begins at 7:00pm
*Trunk-or-Treat Contest
First Prize – $50
Second Prize – $30
Third Prize – $20
*Best Costume Contest – 10 & Under
First Prize – $30
Second Prize – $20
Third Prize – $10
*Best Costume Contest – 11 – High School
First Place – $30
Second Place – $20
Third Place – $10